It is possible, begin practicing today |
Someone can amaze, Nguki why ‘BATTLE?’ Yes, it’s a battle, just relax, you will understand the concept after thorough scanning on the arms. First Read the whole chapter at 2Thim 4:1-22. Flashy billboards, provocative dress and apparel, Hollywood fashions (Yet adopted by Bongo movies and music artists) spread far and wide, suggestive innuendos, off-colored jokes, indecent movies, and the ever-present danger of the Internet to visit the numerous and poisonous websites—all of these and a plethora of other alluring and seductive temptations can trap even the best of us into falling into the sin against the virtue of purity. In a certain sense, the world can be depicted as a moral land-mine, where at every turn and corner in the road there is an immoral spiritual bomb that can be stepped on and explode! Let us be honest and to the point—we live in a society of dangerous and often pernicious images. We live in a pornographic society!
Almost 100 years ago Our Lady appeared in Fatima to three innocent Shepherd children—Blessed Jacinta, Blessed Francisco and their cousin Lucia de los Santos. Our Lady appeared to the children six times—from May 13th up to October 13th on which the great miracle of the sun occurred witnessed by close to 80,000 people.
One of the subsequent messages of Our Lady to the world at large referred to the salvation as well as perdition of humanity. Our Lady stated in the year 1917 that most souls were lost to the fires of hell principally due to the sins against the 6th and 9th commandments—that is to say the sins of impurity.
This being the present danger we would like to offer a spiritual strategy that we can use; a plan applicable for parents, teens, and even children so that we can avoid the ever-present danger of the attacks against purity, and if we have fallen, to gently and confidently return to the Lord, through the intercession of Mary, with all our hearts.
Say NO to pre marital sex.. Invest in prayers. |
Spiritual Arms to Win the Battle for Purity
1. Weapons of Prayer (SILAHA YA SALA). We
are weak, very weak! Jesus reminded the Apostles as well as the whole world in
the Garden of Gethsemane with these precise words: “The spirit is willing but
the flesh is weak. Pray that you will not enter in the test.”(Mt 26:40-41)
2. Don’t play with fire(USICHEZE NA MOTO). A
key reason why many fall into sins of impurity is a failure to avoid the near
occasion of sin. Proverbs are not lacking: “He who plays with fire
will get burnt”… and “He who walks on thin ice will fall in” … once again… “He
who walks on a slippery slope will fall.” We have to use common
sense and prudence.
3. Modesty (KIASI). The
Catechism of the Catholic Church states that modesty is the guardian of the
virtue purity. (CCC # 2521-2524) All must practice modesty. Through
Baptism our bodies become temples of the Holy Spirit, still more, temples of
the Blessed Trinity and after Holy Communion living Tabernacles of the Blessed
4. Penance (MALIPIZI). Jesus
stated: “Some devils can be expelled only through prayer and
fasting.” On one occasion I was taking a walk and in my path was a big black
bird—a Crow. As I drew closer the bird did not take flight. Always
having a strong devotion to St. Francis, I thought that maybe I had a latent
special gift with animals. This was not the case at all. The reason for the
lack of flight was the simple reason that the poor bird had a broken wing! The
scene brought me to a spiritual reflection.
5. Avoid
Laziness. (ACHA UVIVU) Another
huge opening for the devil of impurity is the capital sin of sloth or
call it laziness. Once again maxims are at our beck and call: “Idleness (laziness)
is the workshop of the devil.”
6. Improper Language (LUGHA CHAFU). In
all times and places and circumstances we should control our tongue. Saint
James admonishes us: “We should be slow to speak and quick to listen.” (Read
St. James 3—the sins of the tongue) But this is especially pertinent with
respect to purity.
7. Constant Vigilance—especially of the eyes.(KUWA MACHO/MUANGALIFU) Pope
Francis in his messages is constantly reminding us that we must keep vigilance
over our persons. The Ignatian daily
examen is key. This superb practice invites us to rewind the film of our
day and see where God has been present and give thanks, but also to see where
our hearts have wandered from our loving God.
8. Confession & Renewed Hope (KITUBIO &
weakness does prevail over us and we can all fall. Worst of all, above and
beyond the fall into any sin, is that of despair. The
gravest fault of Judas was not his betrayal of Jesus, but his despair and
failing to trust in the infinite mercy of Jesus.
9. Frequent Holy
Communion (KUPOKEA EKARISTI MARA KWA MARA). Of the greatest importance in safeguarding the virtue of
chastity is our relation to Jesus in the most Holy Eucharist. The
Holy Eucharist is really, truly and substantially the Body, Blood, Soul and
Divinity of Jesus, the Son of the living God.
10. Our Lady: Our model and intercessor for all
WETU KWA MAADILI/ WEMA WOTE). Of course it would be far from complete our
treatise on the virtue of purity if we did not invite Our Lady, the Mother of
holy and pure love to be with us, pray for us, and intercede on our
I wish you nice meditation.
It begins with me. |
Eng Nguki Herman. M
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Asantee kaka,For Sure we have alot to do to avoid the negative World,to avoid being the links of the rotting chains.
ReplyDeleteThank you bro Amani. Let's dwell in prayers